Athletes from the DPRK will participate in the XV WKC Karate World Championship and Cup, which will be held in Tashkent. There is a purposeful preparation for this event. In this regard, in the foyer of the Sports Palace, Vyacheslav Timofeev held technical and judicial seminars on kata and kumite with the adult national karate team of the DPRK led by the senior coach of the DPRK national team.
Спортсмены из КНДР будут участвовать на XV Чемпионате и кубке мира по каратэ WKC, который пройдет в Ташкенте. Идет целенаправленная подготовка к этому событию. В связи в этим, в фойе Дворца спорта Вячеслав Тимофеев провел технический и судейский семинары по ката и кумитэ со взрослой сборной командой КНДР по каратэ во главе со старшим тренером сборной КНДР.

Рядом заместитель генерального секретаря IMGC , профессор Kim Sung Hwan.
In the foyer of the Sports Palace, girls in national women’s clothing. Next to him is the Deputy Secretary General of IMGC, Professor Kim Sung Hwan.

Technical and judicial seminars on kata and kumite with the adult national karate team of the DPRK.

With the senior coach of the DPRK national karate team.

A personal certificate for participation in a visit to the memorial complex where General Choi Hong Hi, the founder of ITF and IMGC, is buried.