On the morning of June 15, we visited the memorial complex where outstanding figures of science, art and sports of the DPRK are buried. Representatives of martial arts from more than 70 countries of the world jointly visited the burial place of Choi Hong Hee, the founder and head of Taekwondo ITF and IMGC (International Martial Arts Committee).
Утром 15 июня посетили мемориальный комплекс, где похоронены выдающиеся деятели науки, искусства и спорта КНДР. Представители боевых искусств из более чем 70 стран мира совместно посетили место захоронения Чхве Хон Хи , основателя и руководителя тхэквондо ITF и IMGC (Международный Комитет боевых искусств ).

Президент WKC/FW Вячеслав Тимофеев
Представитель из Англии Крис Найду.
IMGC Caribbean Representative Augustus Mitchell.
WKC/FW President Viacheslav Timofeev
Representative from England. Chris Naidoo

Meeting of IMGC representatives

With a guide from the Museum of Taekwondo glory in national women’s clothing.

Heads of sports organizations from different countries visited the museum of taekwondo glory. To my right is IMG Vice President Long Wei Meng from Iceland; then IMGC President Ri Yong Son from Austria and IMGC Secretary General Kim Myong Gun from North Korea.

In front of the entrance to the Taekwondo Sports Palace.

Karate and taekwondo athletes are ready for a demonstration performance.