По приглашению руководства Международного комитета Игр боевых искусств (IMGC) в столицу Корейской Народной Демократической Республики Пхеньян прибыл президент Всемирной конфедерации Каратэ (WKC/FW) В.А.Тимофеев. Он примет участие во Всемирном конгрессе IMGC, посвященном организации 2-8 ноября 2024 года в Ташкенте/Узбекистан IX Международных игр боевых искусств IMGC и XV чемпионата и кубка мира по каратэ WKC/FW.
At the invitation of the leadership of the International Committee of Martial Arts Games (IMGC), the President of the World Karate Confederation (WKC/FW) V.A.Timofeev arrived in the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Pyongyang. He will take part in the IMGC World Congress dedicated to the organization on November 2-8, 2024 in Tashkent/Uzbekistan IX International IMGC Martial Arts Games and XV WKC/FW Karate World Championship and Cup.

Meeting at Pyongyang airport

Visit to the House Museum of the first founding President of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung. On the right — WFKA President Dr. Walid Kasas (Lebanon)

Excursion to the State Art Gallery of the DPRK. On the left — Chairman of the organizing committee of the IX International IMGC Martial Arts Games in Tashkent Laziz Khasanov (Uzbekistan)

At the entrance to the office of the International Committee of Martial Arts Games IMGC in Pyongyang

V.A.Timofeev with the official WKC/FW flag permanently stored in the IMG office

Demonstration of the official WKC/FW flag. On the left, IMG C Secretary General Dr. Kim Myong Gun (DPRK)

Discussion with IMGC leaders on preparations for the XV WKC/FW World Championship and Cup in the program of the IX International IMGC Martial Arts Games in the meeting room of the IMGC office