We would like to inform you that a new organization from Germany, the president of this organization, Mr. Gebel Alex, has joined the World Karate Confederation founded Fritz Wendland and Director development karate version of the WKC in the EUROPE.
We welcome the new collective member of the organization, we wish you fruitful work!

From 1962-1968 he began to practice sambo.
1968-1970 — Hand-to-hand combat.
1971-1982 — Karate (Kyokushin Budo Karate and Shotokan Karate).
1982-1996 — Trainer of Shotokan Karate and hand-to-hand combat.
Since 1996 judge of Shotokan Karate.
From 2013 to the present day, the judge of the international category «A» Shotokan Karate and the Judge of the international class in «UNIFIGHT».
1st vice-president and member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Universal Fight «UNIFIGHT».
6th Dan Karate.